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Jurnal Agripet
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Jurnal Agripet is an open access and online journal that encompasses a broad range of research topics in animal science and biotechnology including animal physiology and nutrition, feed processing and technology, animal productions, animal genetics, breeding and reproduction, meat and milk sciences, animal health, behavior and welfare, animal housing and livestock farming system. Jurnal Agripet publishes original research results and reviews on animal with focused on farm animals both ruminants and non-ruminants. Studies with other animals besides farm animals also can be considered for publication if the subjects of research areas are still related to farm animal aspects.
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The Effect of Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa l.) As a Potential Anthelmintic on Reducing Endoparasites in Naturally-Infected Sheep Diky Ramdani; Dwi Cipto Budinuryanto; Juju Julaeha
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.17791


ABSTRACT. Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa L.) has the potential to be a natural anthelmintic and alternative to commercial deworming drugs for naturally-infected local sheep. A completely randomized design was used to compare the effect of 5 different oral treatments of turmeric extract tablets at 0 (TET-0), 200 mg (TET-200), 400 mg (TET-400), 800 mg (TET-800), and commercial Oxfendazole 225mg (Oxfen-225) on reducing endoparasites (fecal egg counts, FEC) of naturally-infected local yearling ewes at day-0 (before treatments), day-7, day-14, and day-21 (after treatments) using 4 replicates (n = 4). At day-0, all experimental ewes were naturally infected by FEC Strongyles nematode ranging from 85.0 ± 32.8 to 638 ± 230 eggs/g. Meanwhile, FEC Fasciola spp. and Paramphistomum spp. (Trematode), Monieza spp. (Cestode), dan Eimeria spp. (coccidia) were found a little in a small number of ewes. Therefore, further analysis focused on FEC Strongyles. On day-7, only Oxfen-225 and TET-800 treatments reduced (P0.05) FEC Strongyles by 100% and 64%, respectively. There was no difference (P0.05) in the increased or reduced percentages of FEC Strongyles infections among group treatments during day-14 and day-21 although only Oxfen-225 treatment showed a constant decrease. It seems that orally administering turmeric extract tablet at 800 mg have the potential to reduce FEC Strongyles in sheep by 64% although its anthelmintic potential is still weaker than commercial oxfendazole 225 mg.  (Pengaruh Ekstrak Kunyit (Curcuma longa L.) sebagai Antelmintik terhadap Penurunan Endoparasit pada Domba yang Terinfeksi secara Alami) ABSTRAK. Ekstrak kunyit (Curcuma longa L.) mempunyai potensi sebagai antelmintik alami pengganti obat cacing komersial pada domba lokal yang terinfeksi cacing. Rancangan acak lengkap digunakan untuk membandingkan pengaruh 5 perbedaan perlakuan ekstrak kunyit dalam bentuk tablet dengan dosis: 0 (TET-0), 200 mg (TET-200), 400 mg (TET-400), 800 mg (TET-800), dan Oxfendazole komersil 225mg (Oxfen-225) terhadap penurunan jumlah telur cacing pada feses (Fecal egg counts, FEC) domba betina muda yang terinfeksi cacing secara alami pada hari ke-0 (sebelum perlakuan), hari ke-7, hari ke-14, dan hari ke-21 setelah perlakuan menggunakan 4 ulangan (n = 4). Pada hari ke-0, semua domba eksperimen terinfeksi secara alami oleh nematoda Strongyles sebanyak 85.0 ± 32.8 sampai 638 ± 230 telur/gram feses. Sedangkan FEC Fasciola spp. dan Paramphistomum spp. (Trematoda), Monieza spp. (Cestoda), dan Eimeria spp. (Koksidia) hanya ada di beberapa domba saja dalam jumlah yang sedikit. Sehingga Analisa selanjutnya difokuskan kepada FEC Strongyles. Pada hari ke-7, hanya perlakuan Oxfen-225 dan Cur-800 yang dapat mengurangi (P0.05) persentase FEC Strongyles sebanyak 100% dan 64%, secara berurutan. Tidak ada perbedaan (P0.05) pada peningkatan atau penurunan persentase FEC Strongyles pada semua perlakuan selama hari ke-14 dan hari ke-21 walaupun perlakuan Oxfen-225 memperlihatkan pengurangan persentase FEC Strongyles secara konstan. Ekstrak kunyit dalam bentuk tablet pada dosis 800 mg mempunyai potensi menurunkan infeksi FEC Strongyles sekitar 64% pada minggu pertama, tetapi kemampuan antiparasitiknya masih di bawah oxfendazole 225 mg.
Semen Production Characteristics of Pasundan Bull at Different Body Weight Anggit Damaratri Lapoliwa; Nurul Isnaini
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.15186


ABSTRACT. Pasundan cattle is currently proposed as a potential livestock to support national meat self-sufficiency program. However, the information regarding their reproductive performance is still very limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the semen production characteristics of Pasundan bull at different body weight. A total of 178 semen samples which were collected from one Pasundan bull were used in this study. The semen collection was done for 31 months and during this period, the body weight of Pasundan bull was classified into 4 categories, namely 400 kg, 400 to 500 kg, 500 to 600 kg, and ≥600 kg. The results showed that overall mean semen volume, semen pH, sperm concentration, total sperm, individual sperm motility, total motile sperm, post-thawing sperm motility, recovery rate of sperm motility, and frozen semen production were 5.89 ml/ejaculate, 6.69, 1.04 billion/ml, 6.04 billion/ejaculate, 55.75%, 3.40 billion/ejaculate, 40.91%, 58.20%, and 265.11 doses/ejaculate. The difference in body weight significantly affect semen volume (P=0.001), semen pH (P=0.001), sperm concentration (P=0.043), total sperm (P=0.002), individual sperm motility (P0.001), total motile sperm (P0.001), and frozen semen production (P=0.004). There was no significant effect (P0.05) of body weight on post-thawing sperm motility and recovery rate of sperm motility. In conclusion, the semen production traits of Pasundan bull are improved with the increase in body weight up to 500 to 600 kg and remain stable at the body weight of ≥600 kg.  (Karakteristik produksi semen sapi Pasundan pada bobot badan yang berbeda) ABSTRAK. Sapi Pasundan saat ini diajukan sebagai salah satu ternak potensial untuk mendukung program swasembada daging nasional. Akan tetapi, informasi tentang penampilan reproduksinya masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik produksi semen sapi pejantan Pasundan pada bobot badan yang berbeda. Sebanyak 178 sampel semen yang dikoleksi dari 1 ekor sapi pejantan Pasundan digunakan pada penelitian ini. Penampungan semen dilakukan selama 31 bulan dan pada periode tersebut, bobot badan sapi pejantan Pasundan diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 kategori yaitu 400 kg, 400 to 500 kg, 500 to 600 kg, and ≥600 kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata volume semen, pH semen, konsentrasi sperma, total sperma, motilitas individu sperma, total sperma motil, motilitas sperma post-thawing, nilai recovery rate, dan produksi semen beku adalah 5,89 ml/ejakulat, 6,69, 1,04 miliar/ml, 6,04 miliar/ejakulat, 55,75%, 3,40 miliar/ejakulat, 40,91%, 58,20%, dan 265,11 dosis/ejakulat. Perbedaan bobot badan memberikan pengaruh terhadap volume semen (P=0,001), pH semen (P=0,001), konsentrasi sperma (P=0,043), total sperma (P=0,002), motilitas individu sperma (P0,001), total sperma motil (P0,001), dan produksi semen beku (P=0,004). Di sisi lain, bobot badan tidak memberikan pengaruh (P0,05) terhadap motilitas sperma post-thawing dan nilai recovery rate. Kesimpulannya, karakteristik produksi semen sapi pejantan Pasundan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan bobot badan hingga 500 sampai 600 kg dan tetap stabil hingga ≥600 kg.
Dampak Pemberian Mikroenkapsulasi Minyak Ikan dalam Pakan terhadap Kolesterol Darah dan Performa pada Domba Ganesha Ade Riemas; Iman Hernaman; Diky Ramdani; Bambang Nurhadi
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.16627


ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur seberapa besar pengaruh minyak ikan yang sudah terenkapsulasi terhadap kolesterol darah dan performa pada Domba. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Sub Unit Pelayanan Pengembangan Pembibitan Ternak Domba dan Kambing (SUPPPTDK) Bunihayu, Subang pada tanggal 20 Januari 2020 sampai 27 Maret 2020. Sebanyak 18 ekor domba Ekor Tipis jantan dengan bobot 15,99±0,98 kg dialokasikan ke dalam 3 perlakuan secara acak. Domba tersebut diberi ransum perlakuan yang disuplementasi dengan mikroenkapsulasi minyak ikan sebanyak 0% (P0), 2,5% (P1), dan 5% (P2). Data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisis ragam dan bila hasil berbeda nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mikroenkapsulasi minyak ikan dapat menurunkan kolesterol darah (P0,05), namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi dan konversi ransum (P0,05). Penurunan kadar kolesterol terjadi pada kelompok domba dengan perlakuan mikroenkapsulasi sebanyak 2,5% (P1) dan mikroenkapsulasi 5% (P2). Kadar kolesterol darah masing-masing perlakuan berturut-turut adalah 100,70 mg/dl (P0); 96,20 mg/dl (P1); dan 78,76 mg/dl (P2). Rataan yang terbaik pada pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi bahan kering harian, dan konversi ransum terdapat pada P2 yaitu 63,96 g/hari, 574,13 g/hari, dan 9,08. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa mikroenkapsulasi minyak ikan dapat menurunkan kolesterol darah, dengan penurunan tertinggi pada pemberian 5%.  (The impact of microencapsulation fish oil in feed on blood cholesterols and performance on sheep) ABSTRAK. This study measured the effect of encapsulated fish oil on blood cholesterol and sheep performance. The study was conducted at the Bunihayu Sheep and Goat Breeding Services Bunihayu, Subang on January 20, 2020 to March 27, 2020. A total of 18 male thin-tailed sheep 15.99±0.98 kg were allocated randomly into 3 treatments. The sheep were given feed supplemented with fish oil microencapsulation of 0% (P0), 2.5% (P1), and 5% (P2). The data were collected and analyzed by analysis of variance and, if the result is significantly different, continued by Duncan's test. The results showed that fish oil microencapsulation decreased blood cholesterol levels (P0.05). However, it did not affect body weight gain, consumption, and feed conversion (P0.05). Decreased levels of cholesterol occurred in the group of sheep with 2.5% microencapsulation (P1) and 5% microencapsulation (P2). Blood cholesterol levels of each treatment were 100.70 mg/dl (P0); 96.20 mg/dl (P1); and 78.76 mg/dl (P2), respectively. Averagely, the highest body weight gain, dry matter intake and feed conversion were found in P2 as much as 63.96 g/day, 574.13 g/day, and 9.08, respectively. The results can be concluded that microencapsulation of fish oil can reduce blood cholesterol, with the highest decrease at the level of 5%.
Evaluasi Validitas Human Cortisol Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kit dan Waktu Sentrifugasi Sampel Darah untuk Pengukuran Konsentrasi Hormon Kortisol pada Kambing Kacang Gholib Gholib; Sri Wahyuni; Rahma Melinda; Muslim Akmal
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.18153


ABSTRAK. Penggunaan human cortisol enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit untuk pengukuran hormon kortisol pada hewan dan keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi sampel darah untuk analisis hormon perlu dievaluasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi validitas human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887, DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany) untuk pengukuran konsentrasi kortisol dan menguji pengaruh keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi sampel darah terhadap stabilitas konsentrasi kortisol pada kambing kacang. Sampel darah dikoleksi dari delapan ekor kambing kacang. Uji validitas kit EIA-1887 dilakukan secara: a) analitik (uji parallelism, akurasi, dan presisi), dan b) biologis (pengukuran kortisol sebelum dan setelah transportasi). Uji keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi terhadap stabilitas konsentrasi kortisol dilakukan dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu disentrifugasi kurang dari 1 jam (P1/kontrol), 6 jam (P6), 12 jam (P12), 18 jam (P18),dan 24 jam (P24) setelah darah dikoleksi. Data uji parallelism dianalisis dengan uji persamaan kemiringan, uji presisi dihitung % CV (coefficient variation) intra-assay dan inter-assay, uji akurasi dihitung % recovery, uji T untuk validasi biologis, dan uji ragam (One Way Anova) untuk pengaruh waktu sentrifugasi. Hasil uji parallelism menunjukkan kurva sampel kambing kacang sejajar/parallel dengan kurva standar kortisol. Akurasi kit EIA-1887 adalah 103,43±7,85%, dan % CV intra-assay dan inter-assay adalah 10%. Konsentrasi kortisol setelah transportasi secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada sebelum transportasi (p0,05). Adanya penurunan secara nyata konsentrasi kortisol pada darah yang disentrifugasi 24 jam (P24) setelah koleksi (p0,05). Kesimpulan, human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887) memiliki validitas yang baik secara analitik dan biologis untuk digunakan dalam pengukuran konsentrasi kortisol pada kambing kacang. Keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi selama 24 jam berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi kortisol.  (Evaluation the Validity of Human Cortisol Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kit and Centrifugation Time of Blood Sample for Measuring the Concentration of Cortisol in Kacang Goats)  ABSTRACT. The use of human cortisol ELISA kit for measuring cortisol in animals and delayed to blood centrifugation time for hormone measurement need to be evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887, DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany) for cortisol measurement and effect of delayed to blood centrifugation time on cortisol concentrations in kacang goats. Blood was collected from eight kacang goats. Validation test of EIA-1887 kit was performed through: a) analytical (parallelism, accuracy, and precision tests), and b) biological validations (measuring cortisol concentrations before and after transportation). Five treatments were performed to test delayed to centrifugation time: blood centrifuged at 1 h (control, P1), 6 h (P6), 12 h (P12), 18 h (P18), and 24 h (P24) after collection. Parallelism data were analyzed by slope equality test, precision and accuracy calculated by % CV of intra-and inter-assay, and % recovery, respectively. Data of biological validation and centrifugation time effects were analyzed by Student t-test, and one way ANOVA, respectively. Results of parallelism showed that serial dilution curve of kacang goat plasma was parallel with cortisol standard curves. Accuracy of EIA-1887 kit was 103.43±7.85%, and % CV of intra-and inter-assay were 10%. Concentration of cortisol after transportation was significantly higher than before transportation (p0.05). Concentration of cortisol was significantly decreased when blood was centrifuged at 24 h after collection (P0.05). In conclusion, human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887) is a reliable assay for measuring cortisol in plasma of kacang goat. Delayed to blood centrifugation time affect cortisol concentrations.
Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan Seasoning Whey Kefir terhadap Kualitas Fisik, Kimia dan Mikrobiologis Meilan Archadiya; Lilik Eka Radiati; Manik Eirry Sawitri
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.19406


ABSTRAK. Mutu produk seasoning whey kefir sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas bahan baku, proses pengolahan, proses fermentasi dan waktu penyimpanan. Perubahan nilai gizi dapat terjadi karena proses penyimpanan yang akan mempercepat kerusakan terhadap produk seasoning whey kefir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan terhadap total asam laktat, pH, kadar protein, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen laboratorium dengan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu waktu penyimpanan 0 hari (P0), 7 hari (P1), 14 hari (P2), 21 hari (P3) dan 28 hari (P4). Analisis data menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan waktu penyimpanan memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P0,01) terhadap total asam laktat, pH, kadar protein, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK). Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan seasoning whey kefir dapat bertahan dan layak untuk dikonsumsi selama 14 hari penyimpanan pada suhu refrigerator (0-4°C) dengan nilai total asam laktat 1,12%, pH 4,30, kadar protein 1,06%, Total Plate Count (TPC) 3,73 log cfu/ml dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK) 2,92 log cfu/ml.  (The effect of storage period on the physical, chemical and microbiological qualities) ABSTRACT. Seasoning whey kefir quality is strongly in fluenced by raw materials, processing, fermentation and storage. Changes in nutritional value may occur due to prolonge storage which will accelerate deterioration of seasoning whey kefir. This study aims to determine the effect of storage period on total lactic acid, pH, protein content, Total Plate Count (TPC), mold and yeast. The research method used was a laboratory experiment with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatment and 6 replications. The treatment tested was storage period 0 days (P0), 7 days (P1), 14 days (P2), 21 days (P3) and 28 days (P4) on whey kefir seasoning. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result showed that as the storage period gave a very significant difference (P0.01) to total lactic acid, pH, protein content, Total Plate Count (TPC), mold and yeast. The use of whey kefir seasoning can last and are suitable for consumption during a period of 7-14 days of storage at refrigerator temperature (0-4°C) with the total value of lactic acid 1,12%, pH 4,30, protein content 1,06%, Total Plate Count (TPC) 3,73 log cfu/ml, mold and yeast 2,92 log cfu/ml.
Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik, Lemak Kasar dan Nilai Total Digestible Nutrient Hijauan Pakan Kambing Puspadina Dwi Rahmawati; Eko Pangestu; Limbang Kustiawan Nuswatara; Marry Christiyanto
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.17933


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji nilai kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK), kecernaan bahan organik (KcBO), kecernaan lemak kasar (KcLK) dan total digestible nutrient (TDN) dari hijauan pakan kambing. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) terdiri dari 7 jenis hijauan pakan sebagai perlakuan dengan 3 kelompok cairan rumen kambing Jawarandu yang diambil pada waktu dan kambing yang berbeda. Perlakuan meliputi : R1 : daun indigofera; R2 : daun insulin; R3 : daun jambu Biji; R4 : daun melinjo; R5 : daun rambutan; R6 : daun singkong; R7 : daun waru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan jenis hijauan pakan memberikan pengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK), kecernaan bahan organik (KcBK), kecernaan lemak kasar (KcLK) dan total digestible nutrient (TDN). Simpulan penelitian diperoleh bahwa kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK), kecernaan bahan organik (KcBO), kecernaan lemak kasar (KcLK) dan total digestible nutrients (TDN) dipengaruhi oleh kandungan protein, lemak, karbohidrat hijauan pakan pada ternak kambing. (Digestibility of dry matters, organic matters, crude lipid and total digestible nutrients of forage for goats) ABSTRACT. The objectives of this research to evaluate digestibility of dry matter (DMD), organic matter (OMD), crude fat (CFD) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) of various forages for goat. The experimental design used randomized block design (RBD) which consists of 7 types of forages as treatment with 3 different groups of rumen fluid of Jawarandu goats taken at different times and goats. The treatments were R1: indigofera leaves; R2: insulin leaves; R3: guava leaves; R4: melinjo leaves; R5: rambutan leaves; R6: cassava leaves; R7: waru leaves. The results indicated that the different types of forages have significant effects (P 0.05) on digestibility of dry matter (DMD), organic matter (OMD), crude fat \ (CFD) and total digestible nutrient (TDN). The research concluded that dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (ODM), crude fat digestibility (CFD) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were affected by protein, fat, and carbohydrate contains of various forages for goat.
Analisis Spasial Kesesuaian Lahan Sapi Aceh dan Padang Penggembalaan di Kabupaten Aceh Besar Samadi Samadi; Muhammad Rusdi; Ridwan Saputra
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.20271


ABSTRAK. Analisis kesesuaian lahan terutama bagi ternak ruminansia erat kaitannya dengan penetapan kawasan penyebaran dan pengembangan peternakan. Kabupaten Aceh Besar memiliki salah satu komoditi unggulan yaitu plasma nutfah sapi Aceh sebagai kekayaan sumber daya genetik ternak lokal Indonesia yang perlu dilindungi dan dilestarikan dengan cara mempertahankan populasi ternak hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai kesesuaian fisik lingkungan untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi Aceh yang digembalakan di padang penggembalaan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dengan penerapan sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Pengolahan data menggunakan aplikasi QGIS 3.10.14 dan analisis data geospasial yang disusun sesuai dengan standar kesesuaian lahan FAO berdasarkan parameter kesesuaian jenis tanah, ketinggian, kemiringan, iklim, curah hujan, suhu dan ph tanah yang dapat diamati dan diukur berdasarkan kebutuhan fisik lingkungan sapi Aceh pada padang penggembalaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua wilayah 95,26% dari total luas wilayah kajian sesuai untuk kawasan peternakan sapi Aceh pada padang penggembalaan, dan hanya 4,74% lahan yang tidak sesuai untuk kawasan peternakan sapi Aceh pada padang penggembalaan.  (Spatial analysis of land and pasture suitability for Aceh cattle in Aceh Besar district) ABSTRACT. Analysis of land suitability for livestock is strongly related to distribution and livestock development Aceh Besar District has one of the leading commodities, namely Aceh cow germplasm as a wealth of genetic resources of Indonesian local livestock that need to be protected and preserved by keeping the number of livestock population the objective of this study is to assess the physical suitability of the environment for the development of Aceh Cows that are grazed in pastures. This research was conducted in the Aceh Besar District area. The method applied in this study was description analysis methods by evaluating the area topography to determine the land suitability for cattle and pasture and its potency as a tool to determine land suitability for livestock production. The focus of the study was based on application of a GIS geographic information system in handling spatial data on soil types, altitude, slope, climate, rainfall, temperature, and soil pH in accordance with FAO land suitability standards. All data were analyzed by using QGIS 3.10.14 software. The results showed that almost all areas of 95.26% of the total area of the study area were suitable for the Aceh cattle breeding area in grazing areas, and only 4.74% of the land was unsuitable for the Aceh cattle breeding area in pastures.
Penurunan Durasi Berbaring Harian Sapi Berahi, sebagai Peluang untuk Dijadikan Teknologi Otomatisasi Peringatan Dini Sapi Berahi Tri Agus Sulistya; Nurul Isnaini; Trinil Susilawati
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.18461


ABSTRAK. Saat ini sudah tersedia berbagai produk teknologi monitoring kesehatan ternak berdasarkan analisis tingkah laku ternak. Namun belum ada teknologi monitoring berdasarkan tingkah laku yang cocok untuk pemeliharaan intensif seperti di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dasar teknologi monitoring sapi berahi berdasarkan perubahan total durasi berbaring harian antara sapi berahi dengan non berahi. Sebanyak 18 ekor sapi betina Peranakan Ongole (PO) sehat reproduksi ditempatkan pada kandang individu yang terpantau kamera selama 24 jam. Pengambilan data foto posisi berbaring atau berdiri sapi dilakukan tiap 2 menit. Dilakukan penjumlahan durasi total berdiri dan berbaring harian selama satu siklus berahi. Penentuan kondisi berahi menggunakan metode visual dan menggunakan heat detector “Brunstmessgerat”. Uji T test berpasangan dilakukan untuk membandingkan rata-rata berbaring harian sapi non berahi dengan durasi harian sapi berahi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama siklus berahi adalah sebesar 20,3 ± 1,5 hari yang mengindikasikan sapi sehat secara reproduksi dan mendapatkan ketercukupan nutrisi pakan. Data total durasi berbaring harian yang didapatkan dari hasil tangkapan foto kamera menunjukkan sebaran data yang terdistribusi normal dan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara total durasi berbaring harian sapi berahi 49,83% dengan rata-rata total durasi berbaring harian sapi non berahi 53,60%. Hasil ini membuka peluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi teknologi monitoring sapi berahi berdasarkan perbedaan tingkah laku berbaring sapi.  (Decreasing of the total daily lying behavior on oestrus cow, as an opportunity to become an automatic warning system for oestrus cows) ABSTRACT. Today, various livestock health monitoring technology products based on the analysis of livestock behavior are available. However, there is no behavior-based monitoring technology suitable for intensive maintenance such as in Indonesia. This study aims is to obtain the basic monitoring technology for heat cows based on changes of the total daily lying behavior duration between oestrus and non oestrus cows. A total of 18 healthy PO cows were placed in individual pan which were monitored by the camera in 24 hours a day. Collecting photo data from lying or standing position of the cow was done every 2 minutes. The total duration of daily standing and lying behavior for one oestrus cycle was done. The determination of the heat condition used a visual method and a heat detector manufactured by Brunstmessgerat. Paired T-test was conducted to compare the average daily lying behavior of oestrus and non oestrus cows. The results showed that the oestrus cycle length was 20,3 ± 1,5 days, which indicated that the cows were reproductively healthy and had adequate feed nutrition. The total daily lying behavior duration data obtained from the camera photo captures showed that the distribution of data is normally distributed and there is a significant difference between the total daily lying behavior duration of oestrus 49,83% and non oestrus 53,60%. This result opens the opportunity to be developed into a monitoring technology for oestrus cows based on differences in the lying behavior.
Pengaruh Pemberian PGF2α Sebelum Koleksi terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Semen dan Level Testosteron Sapi Aceh Eka Meutia Sari; Saifan Nur; Mulkan Mulkan; Gholib Gholib; Cut Nila Thasmi; Tongku Nizwan Siregar
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.17778


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hormon PGF2α sebelum koleksi terhadap peningkatan kualitas semen dan level testosteron sapi Aceh di UPT. Hewan Coba Universitas Syiah Kuala. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai dengan Maret 2019. Data hasil pemeriksaan kualitas semen dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan satu ekor sapi Aceh jantan sebagai kontrol dengan 2 perlakuan, yaitu P1 (tanpa pemberian PGF2α sebelum koleksi) dan P2 (pemberian PGF2α 30 menit sebelum koleksi) dengan dosis 25 mg tiap perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan sebanyak lima kali dan dilakukan secara bergantian setiap minggunya. Rata-rata volume (ml); konsentrasi (106 sel/ml); motilitas (%), viabilitas (%); abnormalitas (%); dan level testosteron (ng/ml) pada P1 vs P2 masing-masing adalah 5,2±1,30 vs 5,2±0,97 (P0,05); 145,4±36,58 vs 172,8 ±46,27 (P0,05); 63,87±6,44 vs 75,05±0,08 (P0,05); 69,30±0,22 vs 75,05±0,08 (P0,05); 16,90±0,08 vs 10,46±0,09 (P0,05); dan 28,07±14,37 vs 24,19±6,11 (P0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian PGF2α 30 menit sebelum koleksi dapat meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa tetapi tidak dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi testosteron.  (Case study the effect of giving pgf2α before the collection of the quality of Aceh cattle semen) ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the effect of giving PGF2α hormone before collection to improve the quality of Acehnese semen in UPT. Hewan Coba Syiah Kuala University. This research was conducted from January to March 2019. Data on semen quality examination were analyzed descriptively. In this study, one Aceh cattle was used as a control with 2 treatments, namely P1 (without administration of PGF2α before collection) and P2 (administration of PGF2α 30 minutes before collection) at a dose of 25 mg per treatment. Each treatment was carried out five times and carried out alternately every week. The results showed that the average volume of cement (ml) and pH P1 and P2 respectively 5.2 ± 1.30 and 5.2 ± 0.97, and 6.6±0.55 and 6.5 ± 0.50. While the average concentration of spermatozoa (106 cells / ml) in P1 and P2 were 145.4 ± 36.58 and 172.8 ± 46.27 respectively. The average percentage (%) of progressive spermatozoa motility, circularity, non motility, viability, and abnormalities in P1 and P2 respectively: 63.87 ± 6.44 and 73.63 ± 9.42, 11.34 ± 3, 70 and 9.0 ± 7.01, 24.79 ± 4.04 and 17.37 ± 4.44, 69.30 ± 0.22 and 75.05 ± 0.08, 16.90 ± 0.08 and 10.46 ± 0.09. It was concluded that administration of PGF2α 30 minutes before collection can increase the quality of spermatozoa but cannot increase the concentration of testosterone.
Histologis Perkembangan Embrio Ayam pada Masa Inkubasi Satu sampai Tujuh Hari Fitriani Fitriani; Husmimi Husmimi; Dian Masyitha; Muslim Akmal
Jurnal Agripet Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Volume 21, No. 1, April 2021
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v21i1.18449


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perkembangan embrio ayam secara histologi pada waktu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 7 hari inkubasi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah telur fertil yang didapat dari teaching farm Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Peternakan Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pengamatan secara makroskopis dilakukan pada setiap sampel embrio ayam, sementara pengamatan mikroskopis struktur embrio ayam dilakukan dengan pembuatan preparat histologi. Hasil penelitian ini menampilkan data perkembangan embrio ayam secara spesifik dari umur inkubasi hari ke-1 sampai hari ke-7. Secara makroskopik dan mikroskopis, gambaran umum perkembangan embrio ayam selaras dengan informasi tabel pertumbuhan embrio ayam. Secara histologis, gambaran perkembangan struktur embrio ayam baru dapat diamati dengan baik yaitu pada umur inkubasi hari ke-3 sampai hari ke-7. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara histologi perkembangan embrio ayam baru dapat diamati pada masa inkubasi hari ke-3. Penelitian ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan dasar untuk penelitian lanjutan terutama terhadap organogenesis pada embrio ayam.  (Histological evaluation on the development of chicken embryo during the incubation periodfrom 1st to 7th days) ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to find out the development of chicken embryos at day 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th of incubation by histological method. The samples used were the fertile eggs obtained from the teaching farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Syiah Kuala University. Macroscopic observations were made on each embryos sample, while microscopic observations of the embryos structure were carried out by histological preparations procedure. The results of this study presented the specific data of chicken embryos development from day 1st to day 7th of incubation. The macroscopic and microscopic data showed the general description of chicken embryos development similar to the information on the chicken embryo growth table. The microscopic results showed the structure description of the chicken embryos can be well observed at day 3rd to the day 7th of incubation. It can be seen the development of chicken embryos can be observed by histology method on day 3rd of incubation. This research can also be used as a basic reference for further research, especially on organogenesis of chicken embryos.

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